Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm ready to run.

Well ......
I realize I haven't written in over a month.
And if you have kept up with my blog then you would understand why.
For the past month and a half I have been moving.
In the past two months my life has been turned upside down and inside out. I have been really stressed out here lately and I'm to the point as to where I just want to give up, and run. People keep telling me it's better to just face your problems, But I don't think I can do this any more. I've taken as much as I can. I'm ready to run. I can't do this anymore. I've lost hope. I've lost faith. My life is spinning out of control and I don't know what to do anymore. I've gotten to the point to where, I know I shouldn't but, I've begun doubting God, His love, His word, His existance. I've begun doubting my salvation. I know I shouldn't and I didn't intend for this to happen but it has. Bro. Ryan told me that this is exactly what Satan wants. He told me I have become a defeated christian. This scared me. I don't want to be a defeated christian. I just want my life back. I've tried just about everything. I've prayed, I've read my Bible, I've talked to people, I've asked advice, and all they tell me is that I should pray and read my Bible. But thats what I've been doing? Please if you have any thing for me, Let me know. I'm willing to try anything. Please. Anything.


The Oliver Family said...

Dear Haley, you know what, I have been through alot in my life. I have hit rock bottom in my christian life more than once, my advice to you is just get up and go again. I know when people say read your Bible and pray it sounds so obvious and like me you want to hear something deeper.
Well, there is no quick cure when you are out of fellowship with the Lord. It is a fight Haley and for you it is the fight of your life. God doesn't expect perfection, he wants us to honor Him with our life
and give Him glory for it. He is putting you through some things to prove you and make you into the person He wants you to be.You are almost at the age where you can start your own life. Don't give up now, be strong, finish school and get a job and get out of the situation that is getting you down. You are almost there, you have made it this far and the devil hates it that you have stood strong for Christ this long.Keep on keeping on girl! We are all here for you, and we are all so proud of you. Love, Teresa

Mike Giardino said...

I agree 100 % with what Aunt Teresa said, we are all praying for you and will always be here for you... but really if you need anything let me know, if you want my number just email me through my blog.