are a favorite candy of myself and my friend Laura. When we get together and go to the mall or something we can't help but stop by Inside Scoop and purchase a few scoops full of delicious Baby Gummi Burrs. YUM. But have you ever stopped to think why they manufacture "Baby" Gummi Burrs? Is it not enough that we enjoy munching on their scrumptious parents? I mean, Why devour the entire race of Gummi Burrs? When watching a movie or hanging out with Laura I tend to viciously rip their heads off first, I like to think of it as being better for them, less pain. Just put them out of their misery. I'm not selfish enough to rip them apart limb by limb, Or swallow them whole and let them wonder around until they hit the stomach and get desecrated by stomach acid..... I'm pretty selfless when it comes to these decisions...Right?
Oh my word! The funniest memory just came to mind (okay, maybe not the funniest but still quite amusing). Tacky teen night all those years back you were acting all crazy (well, we all were), Jordan happened to tag along that night. Wasn't it he who said, "If I could choose to go into someone else's mind just to see what it's like in there, even for 5 minutes, it would be Haley's. Actually, maybe not. I would probably get lost among all the random flying objects. I don't think I'd ever be able to find my way back." Hehehe.
By the way, I commented you back on my blog.
omw only u haley would think of that.
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