Welcome back. It's been awhile and I've certainly missed this. A place to get away from things and just write. I apologize for my unannounced absence. I have been through quite a bit in the past few months. But through everything, am I only stronger. I will try and keep things updated, although I am currently without internet where I am living. Don't you worry about that though. I'll figure it out. ;) Just try and keep up. Which over the past several months hasn't been hard. ;) I have had a lot of post ideas but never quite got them down. I'm sure theres some floating around somewhere. Got any ideas?
1 comment:
Oh! I have a grape idea on a blog post for you. *Hehehe* How about a post on how much you love me and how I am your Bestest-est-est-est friend? I think its a pretty good idea and you should definitely do it. In fact, if you don't.. then... I may have to eat you for breakfast!?!? Love You Halo. :)
All My Love - CheyPie
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