Thursday, December 22, 2011
Welcome back.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Gone but not Forgotten.

It's nearly been a week since you've left us for the sky, but still the pain remains, I can't believe this is goodbye. Gone but not forgotten, you're always in my heart. Even though we're many miles and many worlds apart.
The words "I will miss you," cannot begin to explain, all the times we've spent together and all the memories we've gained. Sitting on your lap and listening to you say, "You girls are so beautiful in your own special way."
Though you are not with us on this sad and darkened day, we'll bow our heads down low for a short moment to pray.
"Dear heavenly Father in the sky up above, please watch over all the ones that we love. Grant them good times and a family so blessed. Take care of our loved ones as they lay and rest.
Render us safe for as long as we live. Please open our hearts so much as to give. We'll meet them someday, not now but again. Keep the family strong, dear God..Amen."
As I look at the sky, I see a bright star. I know you'll protect me wherever you are. When I go to the beach, I'll write your name in the sand, I'll make a left turn, drive a Ford, lend a hand.
I'll catch the biggest fish the world has yet to see, I'll be the brave, strong, woman that you always taught me to be. Gone but not forgotten, you're always in my heart. Even though we're many miles and many worlds apart.
-Brittany Wardrip and Haley Oliver.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Monday, November 15, 2010
Dear Baby.
I love you Baby.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
On a Spring day...