Sunday, June 14, 2009

Not a need more of a Want or a Desire.

Okay so today Most deffinantly didn't start off to well, My alarm went off at 7:00am on both my alarm clock and my phone(because I usually dont wake up to just one) hit snooze on both of them fell back asleep. I woke up 10 minutes later, rolled off the right side of my bed( the original right side of my bed is up against the wall so in all reality I rolled off the left side of my bed but It was the right side to me because I slept at the foot of my bed[as if beds could even have feet?] like I have been for the past month, but thats another story) put my playlist on and went into the kitchen checked the fridge for creamer and to my surprise there wasn't any, at all.Thought to myself "hmm okay well I'll just get some at church it'll be cool, Grabbed a cup and poured into it Orange juice(as if Orange juice could ever replace Coffee, ppsshhhh who are you kidding?) went back in to my room got ready for church. Got on Facebook saw that Amber was on, Instantlly instant messaged her, ask her how her morning has started off? she replied that she too was at a loss, she didn't have any Coffee, I thought "Hmm... she has creamer but no coffee, and I have coffee but no creamer[ hmm... put two and two together Haley?] I told her I'd bring the coffee if she brought the creamer, she replied Ill meet you at 9:15. (now obviously we were joking) I got on the bus rode to church talked to Chris B. (he just got a new phone) so we were texting each other while sitting right next to each other (haha were sooo cool) you have no Idea! but yeah we get to church I walk into the Teen room set my stuff down, talk to Autumn, Joey and Abbi for a bit, then quickly make a run for it before they start asking me how my weekend was and how painting Charla's garage went, Im headed for the kitchen on my way Im thinking about how much coffee is left, how many creamers to use, sugar?, no sugar?, as Im drawing closer to the coffee machine I can see only clear empty sorrow at the bottom of the coffee pot, My bright happy smile has now been turned upside down. The church didn't have coffee? Whats up with that? It's just not normal, I have my Sunday morning schedule and coffee is most deffinantly a vital part of it. Sunday is the longest day of my entire week. I need my Sunday morning cup of coffee( well I wouldnt really call it a need more of a want or desire I suppose)
But yeah then to top it all off our youth director wasn't there to give us the usual Peer Pressure, Rebellion sermon so you know my whole day was ruined. Joey ended up preaching for him and I must say he did a rather good job ( you were great Joey). but yeah thats only the first half of my day we'll see how the rest of it goes later on. :)

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